Thursday, December 4, 2008

Nothing.. and everything.

To walk.
To just be able to walk.
And not talk.
And know when to talk.
And know when to say what.
And to be able to be happy about it.
And to smiling on the inside.
And not letting it show.
And to actually mean it.

To experience happiness.
To experience freedom.

To be in love.
But do nothing about it.

in search of solitude..
Journal entry dated July 30th: Extremely weak. Fault of pot. Seed..
In Memory Of Christopher McCandles.
Snaps taken from Into The Wild.


Xiamaze said...

"To be in love.
But do nothing about it."
if only people could do this..things would be a lot better for everyone.
very beautiful.

why did you suddenly post this?
*suspicious look*
which new person have you fallen in love with?

weevil girl said...

"To be in love.
But do nothing about it."

haha people do do this sometimes

and is THIS the *this* you dont know? ;D

Sambit said...

@Xiamaze - i cannot imagine how true that is.
i'll give u this film.
its a true story.
its beautiful.

came to my mind suddenly, so i posted.
i like the snaps, and i wrote on them.
*suspicious look*?

@weevil girl - yes.
people, i believe, do do this.
and i have no clue about the *this* i dont know.
like i said, i dont know.

purple rain said...

'into the wild'
..more about being in love.. with the simpl beauty of life.. and doing everything 'about it'..
this was beautiful in its own way.. as for this concept :-)
made me smile.. alot. :)

purple rain said...

'into the wild'
..more about being in love.. with the simpl beauty of life.. and doing everything 'about it'..
this was beautiful in its own way.. as for this concept :-)
made me smile.. alot. :)