Thursday, May 13, 2010


A thought.
It might take some time, but people end up finding replacements.
Often, even when a replacement isn't needed, they find one anyway.
Which basically makes you expendable.
The upcoming film has nothing to do with this though.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

New Post.

I am trying to beat the heat.
By showering once almost every two hours.
My mind is getting fried.
There isn't a single thing I have not tried.
I am hallucinating red and yellow flowers.
It is not happening.
Kill me now.

Since I am bored.
This, in Webdings, looks like..

I am trying to beat the heat.
By showering once almost every two hours.
My mind is getting fried.
There isn't a single thing I have not tried.
I am hallucinating red and yellow flowers.
It is not happening.
Kill me now.

I found that poster online.