Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Per se.

She said.
And I want to hear pebbles under my feet.
And I want to stand in a cave of tall trees.
And I want the sunlight to trickle in and sparkle on my face.
And I want to hear the sound of the dried leaves rustling in the silence as the wind blows.
And there would be cool shade.

And there would be a pleasant breeze.

And there would be a lake.

And there would be a road.

And it would be dark; slowly, carefully winding its way through the shade of the tall green.

And there would be nothing else.

And nothing but everything would be sound.


Xiamaze said...

i shall comment on this later.
this is not a comment.

Priyanka said...

is this another manifestation of your pebble fixation?

Sambit said...

@xiamaze - okay.

@priyanka - not mine. hers.

Xiamaze said...

thank you.

Astraeus said...

The picture doesn't do justice to the discordant words.

I liked it. the words evoke a picture of rocky romania, dont know why. And the lake just made me think of Lake Snagov for some reason. maybe i am inadvertently adding depth to your already manifested thoughts.

Oh well, but i like this all the same :-)

Sambit said...

@xiamaze - my pleasure.

@astraeus - thanks.
but, you don't need to go romania for this.
it's all there here itself.